Located right near the court house in New City, Dutch Gardens is a small tranquil area. A great place to just sit and relax or walk through the paths. Although the garden does not feel big at all, it actually is 3 acres and extends past the actual garden area.
There is a brick teahouse with a fireplace right by the entrance across the parking lot. There is a variety of seasonal flowers sprinkled between the paths, and benches around the garden.
At the far end there is a brick Gazebo. If you followed the path down you would reach the Demarest Kill Stream which separates the park from the rear of the County Office parking lot.
The park has a rich history:It was constructed in 1934-36 as a memorial to the early Dutch settlers. Between 1935 and 1968 the park won some design contests. Today the park design and upkeep is not especially pretty but it is a nice quiet place to relax.
Posted: September 7, 2017
21 New Hempstead Rd
New City, NY 10956
The parking lot is between the court house and across the street from the Caked Up store.
Phone Number:
(845) 364-2670
Sunrise to sunset
Price: free
Approximate Distance from:
Brooklyn Bridge: 45 minutes
Lakewood: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Monsey: 20 minutes
Website: http://rocklandgov.com/departments/environmental-resources/county-parks-and-dog-runs/dutch-garden/
Approximate time spent at this location: ½ hour